windows 95 98 wag tail animated custom cursor

Windows 95/98 Wag Tail Animated Cursor

Step back in time to the nostalgic era of Windows 95/98 with the Wag Tail animated cursor! This custom mouse cursor isn’t your ordinary pointer; it’s a pixelated homage to the classic computing days, featuring an adorable wagging tail. As your mouse glides effortlessly across the screen, reminisce about the golden age of personal computing, where pixelated icons and charming animations were the norm. Say goodbye to modern cursors and immerse yourself in the vintage charm of computing history, where the wagging tail is a delightful reminder of bygone days. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or simply seeking a cursor that adds a touch of nostalgia to your digital experience, this custom mouse cursor is expertly designed to transform every click into a journey through the beloved era of Windows 95/98. 🖱

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