windows 95 98 raindrop animated custom cursor

Windows 95/98 Raindrop Animated Cursor

Travel back to the golden days of computing with the Windows 95/98 Raindrop Animated Cursor – a cursor that’s not just the best but also absolutely free! As your mouse glides effortlessly across the screen, reminisce about the simpler times of Windows 95/98, where pixelated icons and charming animations were the norm. It’s a digital journey that transports you to the serene days of vintage computing, accompanied by the soothing sound of raindrops. Say goodbye to modern cursors and immerse yourself in the nostalgia of computing history, where the raindrop serves as a gentle reminder of the past. It’s time to let the Windows 95/98 Raindrop Animated Cursor whisk you away to a bygone era of computing charm! 🖥👆

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