infinity gauntlet snap animated custom cursor

Infinity Gauntlet Snap Animated Cursor

Oh snap! It’s the Infinity Gauntlet cursor, straight out of the Marvel universe. This cool cursor is animated to show Thanos’ infamous snap, which wiped out half of all life in the universe. But don’t worry, this cursor won’t actually wipe out your computer or anything (we hope). Instead, it’s just a fun way to show off your love for all things Marvel. Plus, it’s a great way to assert your dominance in the office. Imagine your coworkers trying to argue with you about something, and you just snap your cursor like Thanos, instantly shutting them down. It’s the ultimate power move. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to feel like a badass villain every once in a while? The Infinity Gauntlet Snap cursor is the perfect way to do just that. So go ahead, indulge in a little bit of Marvel fandom – this cool cursor is sure to make you feel like a superhero (or supervillain, depending on your perspective). Just make sure to use your new powers for good, not evil. Or at least, not too much evil.

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