First Post

Hello everybody! 👋

It is our first article and it will be sort of brief about the Blog itself.

We’re glad that our passionate work found so many followers in many countries all around the world! Thank you! So, we’re creating all our custom animated cursors for you, for any purpose holidays, and special occasions.

Finally, we are big enough and have enough experience and words to write our blog page. This page will be used for lots of exciting things, just like our mouse cursors. We will give you interesting and custom information about cursors… we will dive into history to find the first mouse cursors ever used by ancient people, and will uncover the technical side of custom cursors… will highlight the top cursors of the season, year, century…

Moreover, we will make varied upcoming releases, quiz posts, etc. So, don’t lose our Blog section, and you’ll get all the newest information from the Sweezy Cursors team foremost.

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