futurama turanga leela wrist lojack a mater custom cursor

Futurama Turanga Leela & Wrist LoJack-a-mater Cursor

Oh, Lord! It’s a new and awesome animated cursor set dedicated to the sexy captain of the Planet Express ship Turanga Leela! She’s a hot mutant with a haughty temper and a strong kick. Although Leela is very responsible, sometimes she likes to fool around out with her coworkers Amy Woong-Kroker, Bender, and Fry. By the way, she’s in love with Fry, even though they argue all the time.
Wrist LoJack-a-mater is another part of this animated cursor set. It’s kind of a smartwatch from the third millennium. Get this free mouse cursor if you like the Futurama series.

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