anpanman melonpanna currypanman custom cursor

Anpanman Melonpanna & Currypanman Cursor

Introducing this amazing cursor featuring Melonpanna and Currypanman! 🌟🍉🍛 They’re iconic characters from the Anpanman series, known for their unique abilities and adventures. Melonpanna is a cheerful and sweet character who can fly with her melon-shaped hat, while Currypanman is brave and strong, using his curry-powered punches to defeat villains. Did you know that Melonpanna’s hat is actually a slice of melon bread? 🍞🥭 And Currypanman’s superpower comes from his love for curry! 🍛💪 Together with Anpanman, they form a dynamic trio ready to save the day. Get this custom cursor for a dose of fun and nostalgia!

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