Sksksksk…This is the VSCO aesthetics cursors! Live impulsively, look for meaning in small details of life and make a whole picture out of them.
What is a VSCO girl? VSCO is a girl subculture, a representative of which has a certain demeanor and a set of accessories. VSCO Girl is a very aesthetically attractive, rich, positive, emotional girl. For a VSCO girl, there are no particular boundaries in styles, looks and colors.
To design the VSCO cursor packs collection for girls were inspired by a special aesthetics, sincere emotions and a desire to love nature. The VSCO girl stuff collection contains a selection of brands that VSCO Girl must have. For example, Kanken, Face spray, Cactus mask, Water bottle, Carmex, Sea of Whale, etc. We have taken the best from allpossible options and combined them into one whole.
Have you already decorated your water bottle and laptop with VSCO stickers?! Then it’s time to take care of your mouse cursor, giving it a special style of VSCO girls culture. So that everyone who sees your it screams enthusiastically YIKES!
Have you already decorated your water bottle and laptop with VSCO stickers?! Then it’s time to take care of your mouse cursor, giving it a special style of VSCO girls culture. So that everyone who sees it shouts YIKES enthusiastically!