Our world is a very polyhedral and colorful place to live in. All the people trying to create and express themself in different ways. And love and sexual orientation are one of the life edges we will talk about in this multicolored free mouse cursors set. So, what does LGBTQ+ means, and where does this term come from?
LGBTQ+ abbreviation uses to indicate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queers or questioning gender identity. The last two letters and meanings were added in 1996. Originally LGTB’s creator can be Karl Heinrich Ulrich, the German lawyer, and writer who may have identified as gay. He is considered to be the first person, that tried to determine his own community. However, with the time flow varied gender and sexual identities were looking for recognition, and some not rude and hurtful identification. Thus appeared the LGTB abbreviation. Nowadays it expanded to LGBTQQIP2SAA and took place among our custom cursors.
Our crew got the inspiration for the creation of this LGBT Cursor project in its diversity and uniqueness. For example, have you ever thought about the LGBT flag meaning? Or did you know that there are multiple flags for each section of the movement? Moreover, what motivation and ideas stand behind each abbreviation? We made some research and observation and prepared this LGBTQ Cursor pack for everybody who is interested in unique cursors for Chrome and perhaps belongs to this community.
LGBT Cursor – an inevitable part of the Pride Cursor collection. As you can see its flag uses 6 colors. Each of them has its own meaning. It was designed by Gilbert Baker in 1978 for San Francisco’s Gay Freedom Celebration. From that time rainbow flag become the symbol of the movement.
Straight Ally another interesting part of the custom cursors for Chrome collection. It represented the heterosexual person who accepts and supports the LGBT community. There are many activists organization around the world that cooperate and help this movement in different ways.
We decided to use pies and drinks to illustrate varied aspects of LGBTQ+ society because pies and cocktails everybody likes and we don’t want to offend anyone. Thus, in addition to cool mouse cursors, you’ll get interesting facts about this colorful community and maybe will choose the pie you like the most. All you need is to choose the mouse cursor you like, install our extension and enjoy!